NarroWay Productions Fight Night

Made Ya Look Balloon Artists blew off some steam with NarroWay Productions Lord Of Light stage combat team for their pajama night fight rehearsal.  Our balloon twisters made various swords, crazy hats, and even a battle axe so these guys could run their fight “balloon style.” We had a lot of fun!

NarroWay Productions is a professional theater company located in Fort Mill, SC.  Check them out at to get tickets to come see one of their magnificent productions, including Lord Of Light, where these guys perform an incredible fight in costume with real swords.

Before the fight:


During the fight (click the pictures to enlarge):

The end of the fight

Charlotte Balloon twisters Hats and Swords with fire

After the fight

Balloon Artists Twisting Examples of Hats and Swords

We had a really good time!